Friday, 3 September 2010

Fall is here

Fall is here, and it's time to get this thing working! Today I've found the last (?) glitch in my PCB design - I've forgotten to connect the mixing bus'es to the headphones amplifier. This was the reason I could not get any sound. Fixed that and it works perfect.

Also, I am getting some noise from the crash symbal. Tried to switch the crash and ride cybal rom chips, but the noise still came from the crash. Thus, I believe I need to get a new rom chip.

This means that I have to purchase:
1 head phones pot
1 rom chip, 24c256.

As for other electronics, I think the only thing missing is the red backlight for the LCD screen.

The bottom part of the box is (hopefully) on its way from the US now. Next up is a silk screen set...

Oh, and I've soldered several of the modular synth modules too - still need to make a Midi2CV converter though, in order to test them.

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