Sunday, 24 April 2011

Mr. JP lives again!

Three weeks ago I did one of the strangest things I've ever done - and probably ever will do. I bought a Roland Jupiter-8 on Ebay, but instead of sending it back home to Norway, I sent it to a very nice person I had never met and never talked to :-D

I did this for several reasons. The two main reasons being that I knew she would love to have a JP-8 and that I find her compositions really cool.

Also, I felt, that buying such a synth unseen/unheard, it would be a good thing to have it checked by a pro before shipping it back here. It turned out that this was a really good idea, as somehow a PCB inside had broken while the synth was in transit from Kansas to Texas. Luckily, the person who received it, knew just where to go to get it fixed :) So as of yesterday, my Jupiter-8, fondly named Mr. JP, is once again able to create those great 80-s sounds!

A big thanks to the people at Switched on synthesizer repair shop in Austin, TX. They fixed both the broken PCB as well as some loose cables and two broken keys :-D

Now I am looking forward to some cool videos and compositions on Youtube, featuring Mr. JP. The synth will stay in Austin at least for a year. In the meantime I can remove the JP-8 from my shortlist of synths I need to get :)

Here are some photos:

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