Monday, 26 December 2011

Rudolph the Red-tinted synth


Through some huge conspiracy, my girlfriend Belle and my friend Knut managed to keep the fact that she has been seeing him behind my back a secret... Luckily though, the reason for the rende vouz was that Knut had a desireable little VA for sale :-)

To my great surprise and pleasure, I got this VA as a christmas present from my girlfriend! :-)

Thus, I can cross off one more synth from my need-to-get list. The updated list looks like this:

Oberheim OBXa (Jump! Need I say more?)
Oberheim matrix-12
Oberheim OB-8
Roland JP-8000
Roland JD-800
Roland JX-3P
Linn drum
Korg mono/poly
Moog memorymoog
Korg polysix
Korg ms-20
Moog minimoog
Roland Juno-6
Roland Juno-60
Roland sh-2
Roland vp-330
Roland vpc-350

Synths I now HAVE:
Clavia Nord Lead 2 (february 2012)
Korg Micro-Preset MP500
Roland Jupiter 8
Roland Juno 106
Roland JX-8P
Roland D-50
Roland TR-808
Roland MC-303
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
Sequential circuits drumtraks (february 2012)
Yamaha DX7-IIs
Yamaha DX7-IID
Yamaha MU-10
Korg M1
Korg DS-10 (softsynth for Nintendo DS)
Crumar BitOne
Moog Little Phatty Australian Redback Edition
Casio MT-400
Casio VL-1
Novation KS-Rack
Oakley Sound Systems TB-3031
Introspectiv 9090 (with custom sequencer/controller by me)
Yusynth modular system (work in progress)

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